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Your One Stop Shop


At Plot Twist Studios, we meet your dream right where it is. Do you have an idea for a book, but aren't quite sure where to start? Perfect. Have you been creating a masterpiece on your laptop, but aren't sure how to get it off your computer and into the world? We've got you. Are you ready to be matched with a professional editor and graphic designer? Let's do it! 

Everything you need to be a published author can be found here. Our team is ready to be your cheer squad and Jedi masters.

What are you waiting for?! Let's turn your dream into a reality!

Discovery Call

In a free 30-minute session, connect with our founder, Renna, and share what's been crock-potting in your head and heart. Figure out if you'd be a good fit, and create a killer game plan to get your book published!



Book Coaching

This is the big kahuna- Book Coaching! Meet with Renna weekly for one hour on a video call. Dive deep into your progress, demystify the next step, and uplevel your writing. This is the heart of Plot Twist Studios where you grow as a writer, create your vision, stick to your plan, and do the dang thing: write the book!  When you're ready, we'll pair you up with our incredible editor and a fantastic graphic designer. The last step: self-publishing! We'll walk you through it so you never feel alone or in over your head. Your dream is within your reach! 



Book and Coffee
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